COVID-19 Advice
Please phone reception prior to booking an appointment/attending an appointment if you have a fever or flu like symptoms such as cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing. If in doubt, do the right thing, and get tested.
Things we have done to promote safety:
- Waiting outside the clinic
- We ask that your wear masks in your consult with staff, as we are a small practice, and cannot physically distance. (we are a small clinic so we are also trying to protect our staff so they can carry on working!)
We may offer a “drive thro” service on consultation with our nursing staff, once COVID swabs are known to be negative.
The best things to do right now:
- keep up to date with information
- wash your hands often and properly (20sec with soap)
- stay 1.5 metres away from people, and
- IMPORTANTLY, stay home if you’re sick (& ideally if you are well also).
Since COVID- times, the Government have allowed patients, who are known to our practice for at least a year, access to essential health services in their home. This can be via phone or via video link. We are promoting video link as it is better to see you. We will need email consent prior to such consults.
Call the Practice now to book your telehealth consult.
(Any telephone or video link will attract a fee at this time)
We are not administering COVID vaccines at Noosa Outlook Medical Centre, due to the enormous efforts needed, as we are only a small practice trying to focus on our loyal patients care. for your local covid vaccine clinic or call 1800 022 222
If we suspect your symptoms could be COVID or another respiratory virus, we can assess you at the back of the clinic, while you sit in your car (& will perform a swab)